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larynx - definition of larynx in the.
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larynx - definition of larynx by the Free.
larynx definition
larynx - definition of larynx by the Free.
larynx /lar·ynx/ (lar´inks) pl. laryn´ges [L.] the organ of voice; the air passage between the lower pharynx and the trachea, containing the vocal cords and formed
Definition of LARYNX: the modified upper part of the trachea of air-breathing vertebrates that in humans, most other mammals, and some amphibians and reptiles
Physiologie . Le larynx sorte de cylindre creux, est composé de 11 cartilages dont le plus volumineux est le cartilage thyroïde. Les 11 cartilages du larynx sont Larynx C A
larynx definition
Larynx - Amazon.deLarynx : Définition - Vulgaris Médical.

1 Definition . Der Larynx ist ein aus Knorpelteilen, Muskeln und Faserzügen aufgebauter Verschlussapparat, der die Luftröhre von der Speiseröhre trennt.
lar·ynx (l r ngks) n. pl. la·ryn·ges (l-r n j z) or lar·ynx·es. The part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea, having walls of cartilage
pachyderma laryngis - definition of.
larynx - definition of larynx in the.