4.0.6 arms warrior macro

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4.0.6 arms warrior macro
World of Warcraft Cataclysm | Arms.http://worldofwarcraft.tgn.tv — DPS rundown series, episode 15 of 22: Fury Warrior! We look at the spec and rotation for an Fury Warrior, and analyze the
NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in Cataclsym (Patch 4.0.1 and later). Many spells
WoW Warrior Macros Arms
TheWoWcraftersUseful macros for mages - WoWWiki - Your.
Guides, tutorials, specs, talent builds and tutorials for Molten-WoW and other 3.3.5/4.0.6/4.3.0 World of Warcraft servers.
★ WoW Warrior - Fury Warrior DPS! - Level.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm all rights reserved to Blizzard Entertainment Comment, Rate, Subscribe Guys for more videos. Hope this is helpful! Macros: #